Principles of Udynamics

This can be said to be the result of efforts to find the theoretical foundation of social sciences and humanities in ‘natural scientific methods’.

Principle of General Dynamics Udynamics

This can be said to be the result of an effort to find the theoretical basis of social science and humanities in the ‘natural scientific method’. Therefore, UDynamics can be called “Natural Principle Dynamics” that comprehensively reflects the general patterns of the living world. This is an understanding of the world in general, including human society, through a dynamic principle, starting with a humanistic reflection on the history of the East and the West and analyzing multi-layered patterns of modern and contemporary social phenomena. The world discovered here is an understanding that “physical will to exist (mass energy)” is an active space in which it actively organizes itself by finding the most “efficient path.” In other words, although humans often show behavior patterns that are different from nature, this is only due to temporary prejudice. Humans and human society, as members of nature, gain knowledge through trial and error and ultimately follow the principles of nature. This means that we can always receive abundant benefits from nature by staying close to the principles of nature that are 'the present'.

I. Udynamics Natural Principle Dynamics Equation

UL=T(q,q˙)V (q)L_UL= T(q, \dot{q}) - V(q)
*L= T(q,q˙)V(q)U = T(\mathbf{q}, \mathbf{\dot{q}}) - V(\mathbf{q}) is generalized coordinates (spatial coordinates),

* L=T(q˙)V(q)U = T(\mathbf{\dot{q}}) - V(\mathbf{q}) is the change in position in space, not the rate of change (speed) over time.
* T(q, q˙)=12mq˙ 2.T(q, \dot{q} ) = \frac{1}{2} m \dot{q}^2 is kinetic energy in space, purely space and its physical Consider only interactions.

The general formula of Udynamics can be expressed as follows.

1.General equation of Udynamics

L=12gij(r)r˙ir˙jV(r)UL = \frac{1}{2} g_{ij}(r) \dot{r}^i \dot{r}^j - V(r)

* gij(r)g_{ij}(r)is the spatial geometric metric tensor,
* 12gij(r)r˙ir˙j\frac{1}{2} g_{ij}(r) \dot{r}^i \dot{r}^jis the rate of change of position (velocity),
* V(r)=12ki(riri,0)2,V(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{1}{2} k \sum_{i} (r_i - r_{i,0})^2,is the potential energy, which varies depending on the position.

2. UDynamics UH 방정식

UH=g(R12KijKij)\mathcal{UH} = \sqrt{g} \left( \mathcal{R} - \frac{1}{2} K_{ij} K^{ij} \right)
* HU is the Hamiltonian density in the state where the time dimension is removed,
* g is the determinant of the metric in the spatial geometry,
* R=gijRij\mathcal{R} = g^{ij} R_{ij}is the Ricci curvature in the 3D space,
* KijKijK_{ij} K^{ij}is the extrinsic curvature of the spatial geometry. Kij is the extrinsic curvature of the spatial geometry.

By removing the time dimension from this equation, dynamics can be described only by spatial geometry and energy density. This emphasizes more fundamental spatial interactions, independent of time, in explaining the structure and movement of the universe. This was seen as the essential basis of the universe and human society (i.e., the direction in which the prejudice created by the concept of time is resolved and restored).

3. Time as Existence

Time is not an essential element of nature, but a human tool that measures the order and interval of events (the movement of mass energy) with a promised mechanical unit (clock).
Therefore, there is no time as existence.
The fact discovered and confirmed here is the reflection that our science has lost its fundamental goal of “clarifying existence” and is often trapped in ‘relationalism’. Einstein’s theory of relativity is the same case and a representative example.
100 years ago, he revealed the interaction between mass energy and space, thereby revolutionizing physics, but at the same time, due to the lack of basic science at the time, he failed to sufficiently understand the ontological aspect of ‘space’. He created ‘space-time’ by connecting the real space and the immaterial time, abstracting nature into a faulty mathematical model.

‘Space’, one of the two major players in the universe, was tied to the immaterial ‘time’ and was out of people’s interest for 100 years, remaining only the share of some natural scientists. There was a lack of faithful research on space itself.
Even after the scientific revolution in modern times, humans regretted the past and worried about the future that had not yet come, failing to fully live in the “present.” They were intoxicated by the glory of the past and excited by the desire for the future, failing to pay attention to the “present.” As a result, they were prone to wandering without knowing the abundant “present” promised by nature.
This was also the result of distrusting and deceiving their own natural ‘intuition’. We can see that the ‘erroneous view of time’ that humans had fundamentally distorted their judgment of the facts about the world.

Here, commercial abstractions and conspiratorial power without substance have encouraged this, and even scientific errors have added strength to it. Our ‘erroneous view of time’, which even the genius scientist Einstein could not avoid, proves this.
Time as existence is the present. Nature is devoting its heart to each and every moment and providing abundant benefits to life. The same goes for the human principle. If we understand this fundamental natural principle, “human science” as human science will become possible as a science of human world and self-understanding. We can foresee that the future of science and civilization lies here.

II. Discovery of Udynamics and Solving Major Problems of Physics

1. Birth of a New Theory of Gravity
Udynamics states that "gravity = mass + its potential energy" interaction in space.
Gravity is F=m+V(r), that is, mass m and its potential energy V(r).
This is the Universal Hamilton, i.e.
UDynamics UH general equation:

UH=g(R12KijK< mi>ij)\mathcal{H}_{\text{Ryoo}} = \sqrt{g} \left( \mathcal{R} - \frac{1}{2} K_{ij} K^{ij} \right)
1.1 The natural dynamics 'UH equation' created based on this is a 'natural equation' without time and space, and explains the universe without the existing theory of the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe, and without the need for dark matter or dark energy.
1.2 There is only space in the universe, and the mass and energy in it.
1.3 The conclusion is that there is no physical time in the universe. We reveal that the newly discovered UH equation is consistent with the results of calculating all major measured values ​​of the universe.
In particular,
[General matter and its potential energy] = [Dark matter and its potential energy] = [Mass of 'dark energy and its potential energy']
has been revealed. Therefore, dark matter and dark energy, which have been long-standing homework in physics, did not originally exist.
In addition, the 'UH equation' was confirmed to be consistent with actual measurements as a result of calculating general gravity, gravitational acceleration of the Earth and Jupiter, rotational speed of galaxies, radius of black holes, gravitational lenses, and redshift phenomena of stars.
In particular, it was confirmed that the singularity of a black hole is a 'mathematical divergence' caused by a composition error in Einstein's gravitational equation.
The "UH equation" allows us to know the true world by considering only pure matter and space according to natural principles. The UH equation receives theoretical support from the 'ADM formulation of general relativity' and Hamiltonian natural mechanics and quantum worldview. It shows the truth of 'spatial dynamics' by excluding the time dimension from the world. Mathematical principles prove all of this.

2. The Universal Dynamics

Definition of the World
Science is the work of removing the veils that cover the world one by one. The unique patterns of scientific knowledge always herald new truths. The world that has been revealed by science so far is as follows. This is the ‘essential world view’ that is constructed by excluding contradictory facts.
The world is made up of ‘mass energy (matter)’ and ‘space’. These two interact physically to form the world. We call this physical interaction ‘gravity’. Humans created ‘time’ to explain this interaction. Therefore, time is a ‘necessary calculation value’ that does not exist in reality. We can see that most of the personal, social, and civilizational problems that humans have stemmed from the ‘lack of clarity in the concept of time’.

A. Time and Space
1. Time is not a natural construct because it was created by humans. The world exists in the eternal present, and the present is the true world. When we pay attention to the present, science tells us the following truths.
1.1 The universe has always existed in the present. The observed phenomena, the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe, do not exist when calculated with the timeless ‘UH equation.’ Recent discoveries from the James Webb Telescope have already suggested this.
2. Space is an infinitely large but closed world.
2.1 Quantum theory says that space is very sparse, but has a certain mass energy.
2.2 Therefore, space can be viewed as a fluid elastic body with a huge size and weak density.
2.3 The fluid equation based on this premise has mathematically confirmed that all basic natural phenomena can be explained by ‘fluid dynamics.’

B. Mass Energy
3. Quantum theory says that the world originated from energy, and energy has quantum properties. Since quantum originates from energy, it possesses its own ‘creative and autonomous self-constitutive principle’ that uses its own mass energy most efficiently. Space made of ‘energy’ also helps this with various energy fields.
3.1 Both the vast space and the mass energy within it have the property of ‘pursuing complete efficiency’. This is the path of pursuing efficiency, but it is also the ‘path of natural principled promise’ that anyone can predict. Therefore, this is the principle of all principles.
3.2 Mass energy creates matter and the world with the predictable “principle of efficiency” in space. This is the natural principle and the essential foundation of science.
3.3 The essence of Lagrangian Hamiltonian mechanics lies here. Therefore, this principle is already a proven theory.

C. Gravitational Phenomenon
3. The gravitational phenomenon is a physical interaction that occurs between ‘space’ and ‘mass energy’. This also includes the interaction between mass energies. In other words, it can be understood as a 'dynamic interaction (space compression) phenomenon' created by mass energy and space.
3.1 We call the space where this phenomenon occurs a 'gravitational field'. This gravitational field has been clarified as a space where a mass body has both 'mass energy + potential energy relative to space'.
3.2 Therefore, gravity is a 'phenomenon', not a 'substance', and therefore there are no gravitons.
3.3 This principle can be said to be a natural 'existence energy' that everything from large celestial bodies to humans and even small butterflies flying in the sky have. It is energy created by his own mass.

D. Universal Dynamics, the Principle of the World's Movement
The world is a place where the subject space (A) and mass energy (B) interact in space and achieve natural harmony.
4. If we look at 'Einstein's field equations' with this concept, we can see the true nature of the amazing innovation of 100 years ago. However, he saw part of the truth. Since there was no space-time he spoke of, his theory of relativity had structural flaws. This was due to the lack of basic science at the time.
4.1 Fortunately, the ‘ADM formulation’, which improved the general theory of relativity, came out later, and we can see the reality of the world excluding the time dimension.
4.2 Also, ‘Lagrange-Hamilton dynamics’ suggests this more clearly.
4.3 The ‘Wheeler-DeWitt Equation’ used in quantum mechanics research leads to the concept of a “timeless universe.”

III. Interpretation of the discovery process and results

A. The foundation of discovery

“Essential understanding of time and space”

1. Time does not exist physically.
2. Space is a closed region with a very weak mass density and is a very thin elastic body.The natural principles that can support these two propositions are as follows.
1) The existence of scientific philosophical criticism of Einstein's 'spacetime'
2) Common pattern of quantum field theory, QFT
3) Efficiency of 'ADM formulation' that separates time
4) Universal verification of 'Hamiltonian dynamics' that holds excluding time
5) Undiscovery of graviton and impossibility of elucidating dark matter and dark energy
6) Recent new discoveries from the James Webb Telescope

B. Confirmation of decisive evidence:
1) Time does not exist.
2) Space is a large fluid with weak density.
Based on these two ontological propositions, a new theory of gravity could be discovered. Accordingly, the universe was simulated with "fluid dynamics", and finally, it was confirmed that the universe can be explained with "general fluid dynamics." It could also be interpreted as the concept of “stress and strain” in fluid mechanics.

C. Natural scientific discovery and interpretation
The essence of the discovery:
. Time does not exist. The present is the eternal truth world.
. Space is a very weak density fluid.
. Discovery of a new unified theory of gravity

1. New theory of gravity: Gravity is a phenomenon of interaction (space compression) between mass energy and space (or other mass energy). In other words, mass energy has potential energy along with its own mass energy for a very weak density large (closed) space. The sum of these two forces is gravity.
2. The origin of the universe problem: The origin of the universe may be much earlier than the Big Bang.
3. Dark matter and dark energy: None, it was a ‘divergence effect’ due to a structural error in Einstein’s equations that bound space-time.
  1) If you calculate with the 'UH natural dynamics equation', anyone will get the following results.

"Ordinary matter = dark matter = mass of dark energy"

  2) The mathematical 'divergence' effect of ordinary matter gave birth to dark matter and dark energy. (Geometric superposition calculation)
4. Black hole singularity: None, this was also a 'divergence effect' due to a structural defect in Einstein's equations.
5. Redshift phenomenon: The fundamental cause of redshift can be seen as the energy loss experienced by light as it flies through the vast gravity of the star that gave birth to it and the distant space. The calculation value of the 'UH natural dynamics equation' confirmed this.
6. Gravitational lensing effect: This is a refraction effect due to the increase in spatial density caused by spatial compression.
7. If there was no Big Bang and the universe is not expanding, then the CMB is simply 'the ongoing cosmic background radiation'.
8. The difference in the speed of GPS satellites: The main reason is that satellites move faster than the Earth due to the decrease in the density of space outside the atmosphere.
9. “Universal Dynamics” is expected to become the basis of natural principles that encompass the microscopic and macroscopic worlds. 
. Proof of the non-substantiality of time: The long-standing homework on 1~7 was all due to the ‘divergent structure’ of ‘Einstein’s field equations’ created with the concept of ‘space-time’. This fact also speaks of the ‘non-substantiality of time’.
10. 'Cosmic dynamics' is expected to become the basis of natural principles encompassing the microscopic and macroscopic worlds.
11. And we can learn an important fact through this discovery. The ultimate goal of science is 'ontology rather than relationalism'. These two help each other, but the purpose is to answer 'what is it?'. When ontology is clear, relationalism also becomes clear. However, we can easily stop at the temptation of relationalism.

The essence of discovery:
· Time does not exist physically. The present is the eternal true world.
· Space is a closed, massive fluid with very low density.
·The discovery of a new theory of gravity according to this, that is, a new explanation of the world.

Therefore, We can say that understanding the ontological world can begin with the following.
1) Time does not exist. The present is the true world.
2) Space is a completed (closed) world made of a massive fluid with extremely low energy density.
3) Mass energy is a substance with creative self-organizing power with extremely high energy density.
4) Gravity is a mechanical (honest) interaction phenomenon between space and mass energy.

10. Research process and results:
1) The overall planning and research of the study was done by Jason Ryoo (Ryu Kuhyun, Seoul, Korea).
2) The numerical calculation of the mathematical model was verified by artificial intelligence ChatGPT4.0 for each of the above research topics 1 to 8 more than three times.
3)The calculation results for each major topic were consistent with the existing actual data. The topics with low frequency and number of actual data were also very similar.
4) The research progress will be shared on the global sharing homepage
5) Anyone can verify the UH model or UL model by referring to the homepage contents.
6) Both equations above can be named as “Universal Dynamics: Udynamics”.

D. Social Humanities Discovery and Interpretation
The essence of discovery:

· There is no time. The present is the world of eternal truth.
The body, which is mass energy, is the essence of existence.

1. Since the foundation of the world is 'mass energy', existence uses its mass energy most efficiently in the 'present'. Nature gives sufficient energy only to the present. Existence becomes solid and harmonious by remaining faithful to the present. Focusing on the present is the way to preserve one's mass energy and reduce 'mathematical divergence (energy waste)'.
2. Like other beings, the present, which is the world of truth for humans, is complete 'standing alone'.
3. Humans are physically complete when they stand alone.
4. When individuals reduce external dependence and stand alone by relying on their own abilities, society becomes stable and harmonious. Self-reliance is an essential task for individuals and society.
5. History has been a long struggle between individuals and communities to achieve balance and stability in the flow of 'mass energy'.
6. The individual's natural ownership is based on his or her natural body.
7. Other: The natural principle gives fundamental wisdom to humans. Humanities need to actively interpret the natural principle. This is because humans are essentially part of nature.


“The meanings of this discovery of universal dynamics”

I. Discovery of the ontological world
 · Time does not exist physically. The present is the eternal true world.
 · Space is a closed, large fluid with very low density. · There is only ‘space’ and ‘mass energy’ in the universe. (3 dimensions)
 · The discovery of a new theory of gravity based on this, that is, a new explanation of the world.

II. New theory of gravity universal dynamics: Udynamics: Gravity is mass and its potential energy.
 · Basic concept F=m+V(r): Mass=m, potential energy V(r)

III. The true nature of natural principles revealed by the new theory of gravity
- Solving major physical problems:
1. There is no dark matter and dark energy. Ordinary matter=dark matter=mass of dark energy
2. There was no ‘Big Bang’. The universe existed before the ‘Big Bang’.
3. The universe does not expand.
4. There is no singularity of a black hole.
5. The recent observation of the universe by the James Webb Telescope was correct.
6. The integration of relativity theory and quantum mechanics is structurally impossible and meaningless. 7. Origin of the problem:
1) Old ‘uncritical acceptance’ of ‘Einstein’s gravitational equation’ that accepted ‘time’.
2) Mathematical structure of field equations (geometric divergence, the problem is ‘time’)

VI. New natural principle gravitational equation
1) F=m+V(r), mass=m, potential energy V(r)
2) Udynamics composed of 3D dynamics in three dimensions :
  1. Natural principle general equation UH:
Universal Hamiltonian
UH=g(R12KijK< mi>ij)\mathcal{H}UH = \sqrt{g} \left( \mathcal{R} - \frac{1}{2} K_{ij} K^{ij} \right)
 2. Engineering application equation UL:
Universal Lagrangian
L=12gij(r)r˙ir˙jV(r)UL = \frac{1}{2} g_{ij}(r) \dot{r}^i \dot{r}^j - V(r)

These two equations solve the existing problem and essentially explain the natural principle. This is the discovery of a new 'natural dynamics' that can provide a prospect for the integration of macro and micro physics, which is a future task. It seems necessary to have scientific, social, cultural, and historical discussions and reflections on what this natural dynamics equation means.

Thank you.

August 14, 2024

Copyright © 2024 Jason Ryoo 류구현. All rights reserved
This content is freely available to anyone after identifying 'Udynamics' as the source of the theory.

Principles of Udynamics

This is the result of efforts to find the theoretical foundation of social sciences and humanities in ‘natural scientific methods’. It can be said.
Therefore, UDynamics is a “natural source” that comprehensively reflects the general patterns of the living world. It can be called “Natural Principle Dynamics.”