Preface to Udynamics presentation

The present is the only world of existence. If we live in the present, this will be sufficiently enriched and harmonious. It will be possible.

Preface to Udynamics' presentation

Existence is the present

Existence is the present. The present is the only world of existence. If we live in the present, this can be very rich and harmonious. This truth is the basis of life and science. The past is memory, the future is projection, and the present is truth. The true world exists as the eternal present. This is where our perception is completely coordinated. The past and the future seem real in our minds, but they are constructs created by our consciousness. Philosophers say that the concept of 'time' itself is a construct we create. A life focused on the present moment meets reality in it and becomes existence itself. Everything is in the present and everything is accomplished in the present. Here, we present the 'Universal Hamiltonian Model: UH', which is the basis of the philosophy and science of Udynamics. We also present the Universal Lagrangian Model as a general application of this.

This can be expressed as 'Universal dynamics'.

Udynamics general equation

UL=12gij(r)r˙ir˙jV(r)L = \frac{1}{2} g_{ij}(r) \dot{r}^i \dot{r}^j - V(r)

* gij(r)g_{ij}(r)is the spatial geometric metric tensor,
* 12gij(r)r˙ir˙j\frac{1}{2} g_{ij}(r) \dot{r}^i \dot{r}^jis the rate of change of position (velocity),
* V(r)=12ki(riri,0)2,V(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{1}{2} k \sum_{i} (r_i - r_{i,0})^2,is the potential energy, which varies depending on the position.

The present is the substance of truth and the clear expression of existence. This can be the fundamental philosophy of “Udynamics” and the beginning of a new science. In addition, we present the ‘Universal Hamiltonian: UH’, which is the philosophical foundation of Udynamics. The “UH equation” includes the basic premise that time has no physical entity. Therefore, this theory explains the structure and dynamics of the universe by considering only purely spatial elements according to natural principles. It does not treat time as an independent dimension, but separates it. This means that it is consistent with truth and fact and has the fundamental efficiency of nature. The UH equation is inspired by the ADM formulation of general relativity, but it presents a new approach that emphasizes the dynamics of space alone by excluding the time dimension..

2. UDynamics UH equation

UH=g(R12KijKij)UH = g(R - \frac{1}{2} K_{ij} K^{ij}), that is
UH=g(R12KijKij)\mathcal{H}_{\text{Ryoo}} = \sqrt{g} \left( \mathcal{R} - \frac{1}{2} K_{ij} K^{ij} \right)

* UH is the general Hamiltonian density.
* g is the determinant of the metric tensor of spatial geometry.
* R=gijRijR = g^{ij} R_{ij}represents the Ricci curvature (curvature of space).
* K=gijKijK = g^{ij} K_{ij} represents the external curvature (geometric shape) of space.

“Complete Gravity Theory and Natural General Dynamics;
Synthesis and Meaning of the Discovery of Universal Dynamics”

I. Discovery of the Ontological World
· Time does not exist physically. The present is the eternal true world.
· Space is a closed, large fluid with very low density.
· There is only 'space' and 'mass energy' in the universe. (3 dimensions)
· Based on this, the discovery of a new "complete gravity theory", that is, a new explanation of the world.

II. Complete Gravity Theory universal dynamics:
Universal dynamics:
"Gravity is mass and its potential energy."

· Basic concept F=m+V(r): Mass=m, potential energy V(r)
· Space is viewed as a 'closed, large fluid with a low density', and a conceptual universe model is constructed using the Navier-Stokes fluid equations.
Confirmed that the calculated values ​​of the gravitational acceleration of the Earth and Jupiter are consistent with the actual measurements.
The deviation angle of the gravitational lens effect of the Sun (α≈1.75 arcseconds) is confirmed to be consistent with the actual measurement. . Discovery and general formulation of the complete gravity theory.

Universal dynamics(Udynamics)
U_{H} = sqrt{g}\ left( mathcal{R} - frac{1}{2} K_{ij} K^{ij} \right) III. The true nature of the universe revealed by the "complete gravity theory" :
Solving major physical challenges during the development process

1. There is no dark matter and dark energy. Ordinary matter = dark matter = mass of dark energy
'complete gravitational equations' say galaxies' rotation speeds are normal.
2. There was no "Big Bang". The universe existed before the "Big Bang".
3. The universe does not expand.
4. CMB is the "ordinary cosmic background radiation" that is currently in progress.
5. “Calculation of Mercury’s perihelion: 43 arcseconds (calculated by the UL equation)” is consistent with the actual measurements.
6. There is no singularity in black holes.
7. Recent observations by the James Webb Space Telescope are correct.
8. The unification of relativity and quantum mechanics is structurally impossible and meaningless.
9. A new interpretation of GPS satellite speed differences according to a new theory of gravity.

10.Identification of the cause of the above physics problems:
1) Absence of “sufficient and complete ontological definitions” of individual “time” and “space” in physics and engineering.
2) Old uncritical acceptance of “Einstein’s gravitational equation” that accepts “time” as a physical entity.
3) Problems with the mathematical structure of Einstein's field equations (geometric divergence due to “intervention of time” that does not have a real entity)

VI. Discovery process details of "Complete Gravity Equation"
1) Basic concept: F=m+V(r), mass=m, potential energy V(r)
2) Establishment of a new complete gravity theory (details to be announced separately through ‘Nature’)
3) Successful simulation of basic concept with Navier-Stokes fluid equation: ρ(∂t∂v​+(v⋅∇)v)\=−∇p+η∇2v+ρg
4) Successful multi-layer simulation by configuring equations with 3D dynamics - Named "Universal dynamics (Udynamics)".
5) "Complete Gravity Equation" and detailed 3D dynamics equations revealed to the world through homepage and Facebook
Aug. 10. 2024
Homepage: Facebook:
6) Contribution to Nature completed. 

1. Natural principle general equation, UH:
Universal Hamiltonian UH = sqrt{g}\ left( mathcal{R} - frac{1}{2} K_{ij} K^{ij} \right) 2. Engineering application equation, UL:
Universal Lagrangian “UL = frac{1}{2} g_{ij}(r) \dot{r}^i \dot{r}^j - V(r) These two equations solve the existing problem and essentially explain the natural principle.

This is the discovery of a new 'natural dynamics' that can provide a prospect for the future task of integrating macroscopic and microscopic physics.
I think there needs to be a scientific, social, cultural, and historical discussion on what this natural dynamics equation means.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Jason Kuhyun Ryoo


Copyright © 2024 Jason Ryoo 류구현. All rights reserved

existence is present

The present is the only world of existence.
If we live in the present, this will be sufficient and harmonious.